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Since May 2004 |
關懷莫拉克颱風救災與災後重建 | | 不能缺席、不能坐視,受災同胞需要你! 「此時你若閉口不言,猶大人必從別處得解脫,蒙拯救。焉之你得了王后的位份,不是為現今的機會嗎?」(以斯帖記四:14) | |
眼睛的老化與保養 1/10/2012 | 5848 | | 六種眼疾原因、症狀、治療,並釐清常見的錯誤觀念與迷思 1.老花眼 2.白內障 3.青光眼 4.糖尿病視網膜病變 5.老年性黃斑部病變 6.飛蚊症
| 基督教團體協助東港災後重建 8/12/2009 | 55241 | | 莫拉克風災重創高屏地區,基督教機構發揮基督的愛,連日在東港地區協助居民做災後重建工作 | Capturing dreams in the dark (3) - Fu-hua Chuang 10/31/2007 | 31070 | | Fu-hua injured by a fire accident, The only way she could touch the world is that she still can hear. She encourages different young multi-handicapped people with her wheelchair. She wants to spread out the love to everywhere she could go because she knows God loves her. | Capturing dreams in the dark (2) - Wei-chih Lin 10/31/2007 | 38473 | | Wei-chih, he is tall, handsome. But he is with autism, blindness and retarded mentality. He can remember all the train schedules, he can tell the different train type. He knows the date and remembers what happened in his life since 1997 the year he can talk. | Capturing dreams in the dark (1) - Wen-kuei Lu 10/31/2007 | 30795 | | A-kuei , he is blind, he is mentally retarded, he is Taiwanese aboriginal boy, …。He can just hear any melody once, then plays them with piano, violin , flute, guitar, …etc.. He is God’s gifted son.
| 主內弟兄**洪銘志**現在急需被代禱 12/15/2005 christina0526@msn.com | 12550 | | 銘志弟兄現在急需送醫接受治療 但卻有黑暗權勢在阻擾 屬靈的爭戰 懇求主內各位弟兄姊妹為洪銘志弟兄來禱告 |