本系統中的影音資訊(除了外嵌碼,如YouTube等之外),均使用微軟多媒體播放器(Microsoft Media Player)來播放。而此播放器,在常用的網路瀏覽器IE(Internet Explorer)上使用沒有問題,但用在FireFox瀏覽器上,則另需加裝合適的外加程式(Plugin)才能夠順利執行播放功能。
Capturing dreams in the dark (2) - Wei-chih Lin Wei-chih, he is tall, handsome. But he is with autism, blindness and retarded mentality. He can remember all the train schedules, he can tell the different train type. He knows the date and remembers what happened in his life since 1997 the year he can talk.