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Thanksgiving in Africa

Grace Hwang
[Grace Hwang]

Africans don’t celebrate Thanksgiving like we do annually. However, African Christians have to celebrate Thanksgiving in their daily life. The poverty makes them thank God for giving them their daily ugali (the cheapest staple food in Kenya). The fatality from AIDS and other diseases make them thank God for another day of life because they probably don’t have a tomorrow. To most missionary kids, Thanksgiving is the time of the year where we all can realize how blessed we really are. Although we do not have as wide of a selection of fancy foods and as many big parties as the great America has (I mean, it’s Africa, right!?), the sweet simplicities of the season helps us all be grateful in many ways that some people may never even care or think about because they have taken it for granted.

          In the mornings I am usually awaken by the incessant calls of the rooster next door. Although I admit that most of the time I am irritated by it, I am grateful that because of it, I do not have to depend on an alarm clock. When I get out of bed to have breakfast, I am thankful for the glass of water I am drinking that is clean enough so it will not give us any kind of disease (for the local people have to fetch the river water daily which is often dirtied with amoeba and bugs). Thank God for the toaster to warm up the bread and that the electricity is running so I am able to do so.

          On my morning walks there are many things I am privileged to have, especially since we live in the countryside. First of all, thank God for the breathtaking scenery we have here - the green gardens, the plentiful trees, the bright flowers, butterflies, crickets, and many more. Thank God for our thriving garden that has been untouched by monkeys or baboons. Thank God for the tranquility uninterrupted by city sounds and that I can cross the road in no time since there are not many cars. Thank God for our small restaurant, Mama Chiku’s, cluttered and dusty but homey, for a change instead of McDonald’s. Thank God that I can inhale the air deeply without coughing since the air is so crisp and fresh. Thank God that I am not working outside like the donkey pulling the extremely heavy load up the hill is.

          When we go to other missionaries’ houses for a Thanksgiving meal I thank God that they are friendly enough to share it especially with us - I thank them all for hosting us and ordering the pricey turkey a few months in advance for us! Thank God that when we drive to their houses there are no major traffic on the roads for crazy holiday rushes to the mall. Thank God for the cheerful fires inside houses instead of heaters, so we can save ourselves from the high electricity bill. Thank God that when we sit down at the table to eat that there are chairs and the floor is tiled or wooden (for some people only have worn down stools and a dirt floor!). Thank God that we can even have turkey and food items that are expensive and hard to get here in Kenya, like cranberry sauce. Finally, thank God for delicious homemade breads and pies instead of speedy store bought ones.   

          When I take a shower, thank God for the warm water that is available to us so that I do not have to fetch water from a spring and firewood as well like most local kids must do as a daily chore. When I go to bed, I thank God for the silence of the night undisturbed by noisy cars or stores. Thank God for the howling wind or pattering rain that lulls me to sleep every night. Thank God for the warmth of my bed and the blankets that I have, for some people only have a sack on the ground.

          Of course, there are many more that I have not mentioned; this is just a short portion of the list. But I am sure that whatever is on the list, no matter how obvious or simple the thanks might be, we all owe them to God for.


黃成培宣教士2010 三月代禱信 
1. 感謝神保守成培所帶領的福音外展隊師生14人平安歸來,並且賜下三個得救的果子。
2. 感謝神,我們的水源污染在使用氯淨化和煮沸的方式下,得到解決。謝謝幾個弟兄姊妹來信告知我們淨化水的方式。
3. 請為我們的神學生假期返鄉事奉禱告,面對屬靈爭戰時,求神成為爭戰的大元帥。
4. 請為Grace的學校參加探勘之旅的師生平安禱告 (3月18至24日),特別為Grace的健康和體力禱告。
5. 請為我們3月28日至4月27日返台之旅禱告,求神賜平安順利的旅程,聖靈在家人身上作工,使他們有得救的智慧,並且使用成培在客家宣教神學院開授的跨文化宣教課程,以及我們在三個教會的宣教分享。

黃成培宣教士2010 二月代禱信 
1. 感謝神為Grace和Tim 預備一位專科醫生,一週前,他們再次做甲狀腺功能的復檢,結果進步很多,求神的醫治繼續與他們同在。

2. 感謝神使用宣教日的信息和活見證,隔天就有學生詢問,要如何準備才能成為一個先鋒宣教士(Pioneer Missionary)。

3. 請弟兄姊妹在新的一年中,在主日學班認養一個部落/族群,每週為他們代禱。
4. 請為Kasandra受到E. Coli病菌感染的恢復代求,求神保守她的腎臟,並且為她預備一位有智慧的醫生,使她完全得康復,早日回到工場。

5. 請為我們的水源,受到污染禱告,求神給負責的同工智慧,找出一個澈底潔淨水源的方式。

6. 二月26日至28日,成培將再一次帶領學生安提阿宣教團契組成的福音外展隊,向索馬里人傳福音。求神保守他們旅程平安,身體健康,不受惡者的攻擊,並且賜下如何傳講福音的智慧和得救的果子。

黃成培宣教士2010 一月代禱信 
1. We thank God for our fellow missionaries' dedication to serve our children as teachers, nurses, and staff so that we can do our ministry.

2. Please pray for the quick recovery for all the sick students, faculty, and staff members at our kids' school.

3. Please pray for God's protection to keep Satan's attacks away from the campus.

4. Please pray for our Bible college students' health so that they won't get infected by the Swine Flu.

5. Please pray for Grace's and Antonia's speedy and full recovery.

黃成培宣教士2009 十一月代禱信 


1. 感謝神林道亮牧師一生的身教、言教改變許多人的生命和事奉,求神安慰他的家人。

2. 感謝神,成培的腎結石已經排除出體外。

3. 請為肯亞能降下適量的甘霖代求。

4. 請為神學生的身體健康代求,求神賜下適應的能力以及學習的智慧和悟性。

5. 請為我們全家身體安康代求。

6. 請為2007年的車禍賠償禱告。感謝神!我們買了本地的第三責任險,現在交由保險公司處理,祈求快速、公正的結案。

7. 請為10月23日至25日的馬賽福音外展隊禱告,求神保守我們旅途和出入的平安、身體健康,與當地人應對時有智慧,並且將得救的果子賜給我們。

緊急禱告呼召:時代的徵兆 09/2009 


1. 感謝神帶領我們平安回到肯亞。

2. 感謝神雲英的過敏問題不藥而癒。

3. 請為肯亞的旱災代求,求神降下甘霖使生機重現。

4. 請為我們居家安全,出入平安代禱。

5. 請為我們神學院的所有新生代禱,求神幫助他們早日適應這裡的氣候、環境、文化、語言和食物。特別為三個來自游牧民族的馬賽學生代禱,求神建立他們的自尊心和賜他們學習的智慧。

6. 請為Grace和Timothy的甲狀腺疾病代求,求神醫治他們,並且預備一位復檢的醫生。Grace近來感冒、刷牙時有輕微出血現象,可見血小板又降低了,求神保守醫治她。

7. 請為成培的腎結石能得到完全的醫治禱告。


1. 感謝神透過醫生的手,使Grace和Timothy的健康漸漸恢復當中!

2. 感謝神,有些弟兄姊妹開始了解為回教國家禱告的重要性,並開始為他們禱告。

3. 請為迫害基督徒最厲害的前五個國家禱告,他們依序為:北韓、伊拉克、沙烏地阿拉伯、索馬利亞、印度。在這些國家的弟兄姊妹正遭受大逼迫,求神保守他們,成為他們的安慰和力量,並在患難中持守所信的。

4. 請繼續為Grace和Tim的完全康復代求,求神保守Grace動口腔手術時,血小板維持在正常範圍。

5. 請為我們的母會基督之家第三家, 將在4月11日為成培的按牧籌備和舉行代禱。按牧的時間及地點, 請看附件。


1. 感謝神的醫治,Grace和Tim 的病情漸漸有進展;雲英的過敏情況也漸好轉!

2. 請繼續為Grace和Tim的完全康復代禱。

3. 請為成培正在修教牧學博士班的密集課代禱,求神賜給他足夠的靈力、體力。

4. 請為成培二月間在幾個教會的講道事奉和宣教動員代禱,求神使他的事奉成為教會和宣教工場的橋樑,使更多的教會因認知並投入宣教的大使命而蒙福。

5. 請弟兄姊妹們選定一個回教國,對該國作一點研究,並且持續不斷的為該國禱告,或是走出Comfort Zone (安舒區) ,找機會結交一個回教徒朋友,相信神必透過這一個「新」的行動,成就一件新事。


1. 感謝神的供應和弟兄姊妹們的愛心協助,我們原先計劃要買一部勘用的二手車,但神透過弟兄姊妹們的愛心,讓我們借用兩部車子。此外,Grace只需借用一個大提琴,卻有三個家庭願意出借,謝謝你們在主裡的愛心!

2. 感謝神,Tim在新學校適應良好,老師稱他為「從非洲來的Timothy」;Grace也在適應上漸入佳境,她的堅忍贏得幾位老師的讚賞!

3. 感謝神,Grace和Tim的病情逐漸有進展。Grace的血小板數量已增至139K,心跳也進步到每分鐘約55下 ;Timothy的心跳也正常,甲狀腺因服用荷爾蒙抑制劑從亢進變為不足,但最近一次驗血顯示荷爾蒙不足的情況已漸有改善。

4. 感謝神的恩典及弟兄姊妹們的代禱,這次返美述職期間,有機會在好些教會、差會、及團契中分享,請大家繼續在禱告裡記念我們的事工分享;學校放寒假時 (12月19日~1月3日),我們將會回到舊金山灣區參加一個宣教會議,請為我們的旅途平安和健康代禱。

5. 請為Grace和Timothy早日恢復健康代求。中醫和西醫都說內分泌的問題不是幾個月就可恢復的,但我們深信「那等候耶和華的必重新得力」,求神在我們返回非洲之前,使他們身、心、靈都得到完全的醫治。

Updates of Grace 
1. Praise the Lord that Grace has been discharged from the hospital on Wednesday night.
2. With so many clinic visits and the demands of catching up classes and assignments, Grace needs your prayer support.

Please pray that the doctors will have wisdom from above to find the root causes for Grace's low heart beat and low blood pressure.


黃成培-Hwang’s Prayer Hotline 
1. Thank God for His provision that we have a place to live in and the kids love it and enjoy the friendship here.
2. Please pray for Grace's adjustment to the new school.
3. Please pray for Grace and Tim's total recovery before we return to the mission field next August as we plan.
4. We need to buy a used compact car (gas saving car). Our budget is $2,500 (US Dollars).
5. Grace needs to borrow a cello for keeping at home to practice. Besides, if anyone knows a good cello teacher who can teach her the technique of "vibrato," please contact us.

Updates for Grace & Timothy 
1.Timothy's blood result shows thyroid level has elevated; his situation is not improving this time.
2.Grace's blood result shows her platelet count dropped again (78,000) and her thyroid level is above the normal range.
3.Please pray for the wisdom of the doctors, the diagnosis and the healing for Grace and Tim. Also pray for the healing of Antonia's skin allergy due to environmental changes.


請代禱: 黃成培宣教士一家已於12/29/06返回非洲肯亞工場 
1. 感謝神的保守和醫治,Grace已完全停服類固醇,而且血小板指數在正常範圍。

2. 感謝神,這幾個月來有許許多多的弟兄姊妹們對我們的代禱、關懷和協助,願神親自記念您們與我們一起同工,使


3. 請繼續為Grace的完全康復代禱,求神不讓疾病再復發,她在12中旬還要再看一次專科醫生。

4. 請為我們能如期在12月29日返回肯亞代禱,讓一切待辦的事都能順利完成,求神保守我們的健康和出入平安,

請代禱: 請為宣教士和他們家人的健康代禱 
1. 感謝神,平安帶領我們回到肯亞,能再度事奉祂。

2. 請為我們神學院師生的健康代禱,才剛開學就有一個老師因肺炎住院,五個學生身體健康欠佳。

3. 為失去愛女的Ochoa宣教士家庭代禱,求神的安慰和智慧與他們同在。

4. 回來後,我們全家一直有嚴重的過敏症,眼睛紅癢,加上鼻塞流鼻水,使得我們不能“安然”睡到天亮,請代禱。


5. 為肯亞、索馬利亞、衣索匹亞三國邊境的戰事止息代禱。據傳邊境區藏有恐怖份子,美軍已於月初轟炸在索國境內


1. 感謝神,馬賽短宣隊不只平安歸來,也帶著宣教的異象回來。
2. 感謝神,對Grace的保守和醫治。
3. 請為年底肯亞的大選禱告,求神在各個種族間賜下和平的靈(尤其是基督徒)。
4. 請為我們出入平安和健康代求。
5. 三月中旬,成培和一個德籍宣教士,將前往一個回教城探望一個在做回宣的肯亞宣教士,求神保守他們旅程的平安

Naivasha 車禍 03/28/07 
Car Crash in Naivasha on Sunday March 18, 2007
We praise the Lord for His protection; and there is no major injury!
Please pray for the recovery of injured people & a fair police investigation.

1. 感謝神,對成培和二個學生的保守和醫治。
2. 感謝神,將索馬利人帶來本地醫院求醫,使他們有機會得到身、心、靈的全人醫治!
3. 請為每週成培動員學生至醫院的探訪小組禱告,求神在這些被探訪的索馬利人心中動工。
4. 請為我們全家的身、心、靈健康代求。近日我們飽受虫災之擾,身上斑痕點點,奇癢無比,卻找不出虫子的來源。
5. 請為6月25日法院開庭審理我們車禍的案件代禱,求神掌權,使我們能得到公正的審理,並且早日結案

1. 感謝神!本屆神學院有29個畢業生,每人肩負牧養1-3個教會的責任。
2. 感謝神!對Grace的醫治和看顧。
3. 請為成培7月25日返美的密集課程和牙齒治療 (bridge) 禱告,求神賜平安的旅程和修課的智慧,並使牙齒能如期
4. 成培返美後,將在幾個教會講道和分享,求聖靈的大能與他同工。
5. 請為我們車禍的案件繼續代禱,9月17日將再次審理。
6. 請為成培在美期間,雲英和孩子們居家和出入的平安代禱


1. 感謝神! 藉著弟兄姊妹的禱告和支持,我們在無車代步六個月後,上週終於拿到一部1996年的車子,使生活及事工能就序。
2. 感謝神帶領成培順利完成學習、事奉和平安歸來,並且保守雲英和二個孩子平安。
3. 感謝神藉著成培回美期間使他牙齒的bridge能如期完成治療,並且在車禍中所導致的頸骨異位也能得到適時的矯正,雖然在這裡尋醫無門,但神總是有祂奇妙的安排和供應。
4. 請為我們全校師生的健康代求,最近的流感使得許多人生病,尤其為20位新生需要適應新的水土代求。
5. 請為 Ali (阿里) 和他的工作單位及家庭代求,求神為他開一道以傳道為事奉的門。
6. 請為 9 月 28-30 日,成培帶領學生至馬賽族的福音外展隊代求。求神保守他們的健康、平安,並多得福音的果子。
7. 請繼續為我們車禍的案件在 12 月 4 日第三次開庭審理代禱。

Goodbye, My Precious (from Missionary Kid) 
1.Missionary Kids(MK's) like nomads follow their parents whenever they are touched by God’s calling to save the lost souls of this world.
2.As MK’s, we are always saying goodbye. However, goodbyes aren’t just an ending. They are also a beginning.
3. When we depart from the place we leave with reluctant hearts and cling onto the memories of the place, the area where our missionary parents serve in.
4. There is one thing in life that all MK’s must go through. We must step out of our comfort zone and check around what is outside of our box.
5. Although I will never get used to saying goodbye, at least I know that there is always more to this world. I am also very privileged and blessed to see God’s power and deeds everywhere.

1. 感謝神,帶領馬賽族短宣隊平安歸來。
2. 請為學生Aben在蘇丹的母會復建代求,求神使信徒的信心不致動搖。
3. 請為每週至醫院傳福音的學生代求,求神剛強他們並且使用他們。
4. 請為成培的身、心、靈能得力代求。
5. 從11月29 日到12月29 日,我們將返台探親;請為我們的旅途平安、健康、和家人的救恩代求。
6. 請為12月4 日法院第三次開庭審理我們的車禍案件代求,求神使案子能早日結案,並得到公正的審理。




Goodbye, My Precious (from Missionary Kid) 
1.Missionary Kids(MK's) like nomads follow their parents whenever they are touched by God’s calling to save the lost souls of this world.
2.As MK’s, we are always saying goodbye. However, goodbyes aren’t just an ending. They are also a beginning.
3. When we depart from the place we leave with reluctant hearts and cling onto the memories of the place, the area where our missionary parents serve in.
4. There is one thing in life that all MK’s must go through. We must step out of our comfort zone and check around what is outside of our box.
5. Although I will never get used to saying goodbye, at least I know that there is always more to this world. I am also very privileged and blessed to see God’s power and deeds everywhere.

其他文章有關"Grace Hwang"

Goodbye, My Precious (from Missionary Kid) 
1.Missionary Kids(MK's) like nomads follow their parents whenever they are touched by God’s calling to save the lost souls of this world.
2.As MK’s, we are always saying goodbye. However, goodbyes aren’t just an ending. They are also a beginning.
3. When we depart from the place we leave with reluctant hearts and cling onto the memories of the place, the area where our missionary parents serve in.
4. There is one thing in life that all MK’s must go through. We must step out of our comfort zone and check around what is outside of our box.
5. Although I will never get used to saying goodbye, at least I know that there is always more to this world. I am also very privileged and blessed to see God’s power and deeds everywhere.

其他文章有關"Missionary Kids"

Goodbye, My Precious (from Missionary Kid) 
1.Missionary Kids(MK's) like nomads follow their parents whenever they are touched by God’s calling to save the lost souls of this world.
2.As MK’s, we are always saying goodbye. However, goodbyes aren’t just an ending. They are also a beginning.
3. When we depart from the place we leave with reluctant hearts and cling onto the memories of the place, the area where our missionary parents serve in.
4. There is one thing in life that all MK’s must go through. We must step out of our comfort zone and check around what is outside of our box.
5. Although I will never get used to saying goodbye, at least I know that there is always more to this world. I am also very privileged and blessed to see God’s power and deeds everywhere.


請代禱: 黃成培宣教士一家已於12/29/06返回非洲肯亞工場 
1. 感謝神的保守和醫治,Grace已完全停服類固醇,而且血小板指數在正常範圍。

2. 感謝神,這幾個月來有許許多多的弟兄姊妹們對我們的代禱、關懷和協助,願神親自記念您們與我們一起同工,使


3. 請繼續為Grace的完全康復代禱,求神不讓疾病再復發,她在12中旬還要再看一次專科醫生。

4. 請為我們能如期在12月29日返回肯亞代禱,讓一切待辦的事都能順利完成,求神保守我們的健康和出入平安,

請代禱: 請為宣教士和他們家人的健康代禱 
1. 感謝神,平安帶領我們回到肯亞,能再度事奉祂。

2. 請為我們神學院師生的健康代禱,才剛開學就有一個老師因肺炎住院,五個學生身體健康欠佳。

3. 為失去愛女的Ochoa宣教士家庭代禱,求神的安慰和智慧與他們同在。

4. 回來後,我們全家一直有嚴重的過敏症,眼睛紅癢,加上鼻塞流鼻水,使得我們不能“安然”睡到天亮,請代禱。


5. 為肯亞、索馬利亞、衣索匹亞三國邊境的戰事止息代禱。據傳邊境區藏有恐怖份子,美軍已於月初轟炸在索國境內


1. 感謝神,馬賽短宣隊不只平安歸來,也帶著宣教的異象回來。
2. 感謝神,對Grace的保守和醫治。
3. 請為年底肯亞的大選禱告,求神在各個種族間賜下和平的靈(尤其是基督徒)。
4. 請為我們出入平安和健康代求。
5. 三月中旬,成培和一個德籍宣教士,將前往一個回教城探望一個在做回宣的肯亞宣教士,求神保守他們旅程的平安

Naivasha 車禍 03/28/07 
Car Crash in Naivasha on Sunday March 18, 2007
We praise the Lord for His protection; and there is no major injury!
Please pray for the recovery of injured people & a fair police investigation.

1. 感謝神,對成培和二個學生的保守和醫治。
2. 感謝神,將索馬利人帶來本地醫院求醫,使他們有機會得到身、心、靈的全人醫治!
3. 請為每週成培動員學生至醫院的探訪小組禱告,求神在這些被探訪的索馬利人心中動工。
4. 請為我們全家的身、心、靈健康代求。近日我們飽受虫災之擾,身上斑痕點點,奇癢無比,卻找不出虫子的來源。
5. 請為6月25日法院開庭審理我們車禍的案件代禱,求神掌權,使我們能得到公正的審理,並且早日結案

1. 感謝神!本屆神學院有29個畢業生,每人肩負牧養1-3個教會的責任。
2. 感謝神!對Grace的醫治和看顧。
3. 請為成培7月25日返美的密集課程和牙齒治療 (bridge) 禱告,求神賜平安的旅程和修課的智慧,並使牙齒能如期
4. 成培返美後,將在幾個教會講道和分享,求聖靈的大能與他同工。
5. 請為我們車禍的案件繼續代禱,9月17日將再次審理。
6. 請為成培在美期間,雲英和孩子們居家和出入的平安代禱


1. 感謝神! 藉著弟兄姊妹的禱告和支持,我們在無車代步六個月後,上週終於拿到一部1996年的車子,使生活及事工能就序。
2. 感謝神帶領成培順利完成學習、事奉和平安歸來,並且保守雲英和二個孩子平安。
3. 感謝神藉著成培回美期間使他牙齒的bridge能如期完成治療,並且在車禍中所導致的頸骨異位也能得到適時的矯正,雖然在這裡尋醫無門,但神總是有祂奇妙的安排和供應。
4. 請為我們全校師生的健康代求,最近的流感使得許多人生病,尤其為20位新生需要適應新的水土代求。
5. 請為 Ali (阿里) 和他的工作單位及家庭代求,求神為他開一道以傳道為事奉的門。
6. 請為 9 月 28-30 日,成培帶領學生至馬賽族的福音外展隊代求。求神保守他們的健康、平安,並多得福音的果子。
7. 請繼續為我們車禍的案件在 12 月 4 日第三次開庭審理代禱。

Goodbye, My Precious (from Missionary Kid) 
1.Missionary Kids(MK's) like nomads follow their parents whenever they are touched by God’s calling to save the lost souls of this world.
2.As MK’s, we are always saying goodbye. However, goodbyes aren’t just an ending. They are also a beginning.
3. When we depart from the place we leave with reluctant hearts and cling onto the memories of the place, the area where our missionary parents serve in.
4. There is one thing in life that all MK’s must go through. We must step out of our comfort zone and check around what is outside of our box.
5. Although I will never get used to saying goodbye, at least I know that there is always more to this world. I am also very privileged and blessed to see God’s power and deeds everywhere.

1. 感謝神,帶領馬賽族短宣隊平安歸來。
2. 請為學生Aben在蘇丹的母會復建代求,求神使信徒的信心不致動搖。
3. 請為每週至醫院傳福音的學生代求,求神剛強他們並且使用他們。
4. 請為成培的身、心、靈能得力代求。
5. 從11月29 日到12月29 日,我們將返台探親;請為我們的旅途平安、健康、和家人的救恩代求。
6. 請為12月4 日法院第三次開庭審理我們的車禍案件代求,求神使案子能早日結案,並得到公正的審理。




請代禱: 請為宣教士和他們家人的健康代禱 
1. 感謝神,平安帶領我們回到肯亞,能再度事奉祂。

2. 請為我們神學院師生的健康代禱,才剛開學就有一個老師因肺炎住院,五個學生身體健康欠佳。

3. 為失去愛女的Ochoa宣教士家庭代禱,求神的安慰和智慧與他們同在。

4. 回來後,我們全家一直有嚴重的過敏症,眼睛紅癢,加上鼻塞流鼻水,使得我們不能“安然”睡到天亮,請代禱。


5. 為肯亞、索馬利亞、衣索匹亞三國邊境的戰事止息代禱。據傳邊境區藏有恐怖份子,美軍已於月初轟炸在索國境內


請代禱: 黃成培宣教士一家已於12/29/06返回非洲肯亞工場 
1. 感謝神的保守和醫治,Grace已完全停服類固醇,而且血小板指數在正常範圍。

2. 感謝神,這幾個月來有許許多多的弟兄姊妹們對我們的代禱、關懷和協助,願神親自記念您們與我們一起同工,使


3. 請繼續為Grace的完全康復代禱,求神不讓疾病再復發,她在12中旬還要再看一次專科醫生。

4. 請為我們能如期在12月29日返回肯亞代禱,讓一切待辦的事都能順利完成,求神保守我們的健康和出入平安,

Naivasha 車禍 03/28/07 
Car Crash in Naivasha on Sunday March 18, 2007
We praise the Lord for His protection; and there is no major injury!
Please pray for the recovery of injured people & a fair police investigation.

Urgent Prayer Request for Kenya 
Please pray:
(1) for the peace of the country,
(2) for our return schedule to be settled as soon as possible, and
(3) for the safety of all missionaries serving in Kenya.

Goodbye, My Precious (from Missionary Kid) 
1.Missionary Kids(MK's) like nomads follow their parents whenever they are touched by God’s calling to save the lost souls of this world.
2.As MK’s, we are always saying goodbye. However, goodbyes aren’t just an ending. They are also a beginning.
3. When we depart from the place we leave with reluctant hearts and cling onto the memories of the place, the area where our missionary parents serve in.
4. There is one thing in life that all MK’s must go through. We must step out of our comfort zone and check around what is outside of our box.
5. Although I will never get used to saying goodbye, at least I know that there is always more to this world. I am also very privileged and blessed to see God’s power and deeds everywhere.

祂的量帶通遍天下,祂的言語傳到地極。(詩 19:4)    Email: info@w4j.org    Powered by Web4Jesus (W4J) Ministry