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Sojourners客旅人生-吉爾吉斯坦宣教士 韓偉炫(1)
吉爾吉斯坦宣教士 韓偉炫

 Willis in action at the English Camp in Kyrgyzstan  Kyrgyzstan – west of Xinjiang, China!
EXTRA! EXTRA! 號外!號外! 1. We have been accepted by our new sending agency, InterServe!我們新的差會己經接受了我們! 2. Our Commissioning Service will be held on January 8th, 2005, 2:00 p.m., at First Evangelical Church of San Gabriel Valley, 我們的差派典禮將於2005年 一月八日下午二時正假於聖迦谷羅省基督教會 3658 N. Walnut Grove Ave., Rosemead 3. Our tentative departure date is January 9th, 2005 我們預定一月九日起程! 4. Yes, our newsletter is finally in Chinese! 這是我們第一封中文的代禱信。感謝神!
Holiday Greetings from the Hans! Hope that all is well with you and your family! Since we sent out our last newsletter we have met and heard from many of you. It was great catching up with you, and we hope to do more of that before we launch out! January is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to be in our new home for the next 4~5 years, Kyrgyzstan. However, the increasingly cold weather in LA is a constant reminder that we will arrive at our destination right in the middle of winter!
佳節問候 希望您及您的全家一切平安!自從寄出上回的代禱信之後,我們見到和聽到您們當中一些人的消息,在起程前我們非常高興知道您們的近況,同時也希望能和更多人相聚。明年一月很快就會來臨,我們非常期待前往我們將來4~5年在吉爾吉斯坦的新家。然而,越來越冷的洛杉磯天氣,正在提醒著我們到達吉爾吉斯坦時正是冬天時節。
2004年英語夏令營戶外活動現況 2004 Kyrgyzstan Short-term Mission Trip In August/September, Willis led a small team back to Kyrgyzstan to host an English Summer Camp. The logistic and spiritual challenge was tremendous. Thank you for your prayers!!! The team really felt people praying for us. We experienced God’s grace in many ways – travel grace, health, bonding with students… we even had a “near-miss” with the police in a worship service for Muslim-background believers. Our team members described the trip as an “unforgetable,” “whirl-wind” experience. Beautiful friendships were initiated. Many lives were touched. We truly experienced God-at-work!
2004年吉爾吉斯坦短宣 在今年的八~九月間,偉炫帶領了一個短宣隊回到了吉爾吉斯坦,並舉辦了一個英語夏令營,後勤和靈性方面的準備是有相當的挑戰性。謝謝您們的代禱!!我們的團隊確實感受到大家禱告的力量和神各方面豐富的恩典,例如旅行的恩典、健康、和與學生們建立良好的關係。我們甚至曾經差一點被當地警察臨檢到我們那次沒有登記的聚會,因為那個聚會是為回教背景的信徒而辦的。我們短宣隊中就有人說這是一回難以忘懷的經驗。美好的友誼在這一次的短宣已開始了,許多人的生命被改變了,我們已體驗神在那裡作工!
 泰北短宣記事 短宣讓我看見自己生命的真實處境

 阿好喜 將所遇到的各樣委屈都交託給主吧!祂會替我們作最好的處理。



 三峽福音中心代禱事項 0118_2008  基督徒三峽福音中心代禱事項: (0117/2008)
1. 感謝神賜福這學期社區服務事工,藉著課後陪讀、週六兒童品格教育、青少年生命成長教育接觸50多位學生及他們的家庭,求神介入他們的生活、思想當中。 2. 求神賜福三峽福音中心成為健康、喜樂、滿有神活潑生命的教會。弟兄姐妹,能真實的愛耶穌、經歷聖靈的更新、靈裡靠主剛強得勝、成為主耶穌基督的見證人。 3. 請為王子真牧師一家目前仍在等候赴紐西蘭簽證批准中,求神恩待王牧師一家能順利、平安的前往紐西蘭北岸台福教會事奉,並為著要打包、適應新的環境、孩子就學…等事項代禱。 4. 寒假期間的社區服務事工,1/21-24兒童卓蘭品格營有30位參加,培讀班有22位學生參加,求神賜福這些事工的預備,及帶領的同工們滿有神的恩典與慈愛。

 李祖苑宣教士2007十月份代禱信 代禱事項:
盼望明年三月份的同工會能按時舉行。 求主祝福保守緬甸的政局及經濟,讓同工及百姓有安穩的生活。 求主賜下智慧、能力及空間,早日完成我的教牧學博士論文。 因經濟通脹及事工發展,工場同工生活和事工的開支不斷增加,求主預備。

 感恩節---團聚的日子 趁著感恩節的日子 我要感謝感謝再感謝 那您呢?有什麼要感恩的把握機會寫卡片問候關心您的人

 Capturing dreams in the dark (3) - Fu-hua Chuang Fu-hua injured by a fire accident, The only way she could touch the world is that she still can hear. She encourages different young multi-handicapped people with her wheelchair. She wants to spread out the love to everywhere she could go because she knows God loves her.

 Capturing dreams in the dark (2) - Wei-chih Lin Wei-chih, he is tall, handsome. But he is with autism, blindness and retarded mentality. He can remember all the train schedules, he can tell the different train type. He knows the date and remembers what happened in his life since 1997 the year he can talk.

 Capturing dreams in the dark (1) - Wen-kuei Lu A-kuei , he is blind, he is mentally retarded, he is Taiwanese aboriginal boy, …。He can just hear any melody once, then plays them with piano, violin , flute, guitar, …etc.. He is God’s gifted son.

 三峽福音中心近況0829 1. 教會事工交接,接蒙保守,已經開始運作。 2. 回台生活適應都算正常 3. 神的作為實在奇妙,常常是在最關鍵的時候,成就了許多近乎不可能的事。 4. 求神賜福讓淑貞有智慧&體力來規劃社區兒童課後事工 5. 求神給我們智慧,能有好的規劃作業,使得每一筆弟兄姊妹的奉獻能有好的管理與使用。 6. 請為三峽福音中心目前的事工代禱。 7. 為0902開敏第一次主日信息代禱,在教會人事變動之際,能堅固弟兄姊妹的信心繼續依靠仰望神! 8. 需要更多的為三峽百姓禱告,求神開百姓的眼睛,將祂當得的榮耀歸給祂。

 為宣教士禱告:余雋瑞牧師夫婦- 香港[中國福音會] 

 為宣教士禱告:林耀堂- 菲律賓[中國福音會] 

 為宣教士禱告:黃培遠- 美國加州[遠東廣播公司] 

 為宣教士禱告: 陳鐳牧師夫婦– 台灣[中華神州差傳會] 
