Stricken with autism, blindness and retarded mentality, Wei-chih Lin performed prodigies of music from childhood just like Wen-kuei Lu.
Wei-chih, he is tall, handsome. But he is with autism, blindness and retarded mentality. He can remember all the train schedules, he can tell the different train type. He knows the date and remembers what happened in his life since 1997 the year he can talk.
盼望明年三月份的同工會能按時舉行。 求主祝福保守緬甸的政局及經濟,讓同工及百姓有安穩的生活。 求主賜下智慧、能力及空間,早日完成我的教牧學博士論文。 因經濟通脹及事工發展,工場同工生活和事工的開支不斷增加,求主預備。 感恩節---團聚的日子 趁著感恩節的日子 我要感謝感謝再感謝 那您呢?有什麼要感恩的把握機會寫卡片問候關心您的人 Capturing dreams in the dark (3) - Fu-hua Chuang Fu-hua injured by a fire accident, The only way she could touch the world is that she still can hear. She encourages different young multi-handicapped people with her wheelchair. She wants to spread out the love to everywhere she could go because she knows God loves her. Capturing dreams in the dark (2) - Wei-chih Lin Wei-chih, he is tall, handsome. But he is with autism, blindness and retarded mentality. He can remember all the train schedules, he can tell the different train type. He knows the date and remembers what happened in his life since 1997 the year he can talk. Capturing dreams in the dark (1) - Wen-kuei Lu A-kuei , he is blind, he is mentally retarded, he is Taiwanese aboriginal boy, …。He can just hear any melody once, then plays them with piano, violin , flute, guitar, …etc.. He is God’s gifted son.